sword n. 1.剑,刀;〔军俚〕刺刀。 2.〔the sword〕武力;兵权;权力;杀戮,战争。 the sword and the purse 武力和财力。 the sword of justice 司法权。 the sword of the Spirit 上帝的话。 the fire and sword (侵略军的)烧杀;强暴的军事手段。 the sword of State [honour] 国剑〔大节日在英王前所捧的宝剑〕。 at the point of the sword 被迫,在威胁下。 be at sword's points (with each other) (彼此)不和。 cross swords 交锋,决斗;争论 (with)。 draw the sword 拔剑;发动战争。 measure swords (决斗前)检查剑长;决斗,战斗 (with)。 put to the sword 杀死。 put up [sheathe] the sword 收剑,把剑插进鞘里;停止战争,讲和。 throw one's sword into the scale 采取使用武力的办法。 wear the sword 当兵。 worry the sword (比赛击剑时)不断地快刺以乱对手阵脚。
broken adj. 1.破裂的,打碎了的,弄破了的;(腿、臂等)已骨折的。 2.(地面等)起伏不平的;(天气)忽阴忽晴的。 3.灰了心的,已失望的,沮丧的,唉声叹气的;(身体)变衰弱的;【植物;植物学】(花)染上碎斑病的。 4.破了产的,倒闭的;(家庭等)遭破坏的;(诺言等)被违背的。 5.(语言等)拙劣的,不合标准[语法]的,乱七八糟的。 6.(线条)虚线的,断续的;零碎的,七零八落的,拆散了的;被打断的。 7.(马等)养驯了的,有训练的。 8.(方向)不断改变的。 9.〔口语〕降了级的。 10.【印刷】不足一令(500张)的。 a broken vase 打碎的花瓶。 a broken leg 打断的腿骨。 The fox ran in a broken line. 狐狸跑的时候不断地改变方向。 broken meat 碎肉。 a broken promise 言而无信,违背诺言。 a broken man 心灰意懒的人。 broken health 垮掉的身躯。 a well-broken horse 极驯服的马。 a broken circle 虚线圆。 broken sobs 抽泣。 a few broken words 断断续续的几句话。 broken water 波浪起伏的水面。 broken country 起伏不平的田野。 a broken firm 一家破产的公司。 the broken fortunes of his family 家道中落。
He dashed the broken sword down and picked up another . 他将断剑猛掷在地上,然后拾起另一把剑。
The knight still grasped his broken sword 骑士仍然握着他那把断了的剑。
To have been understood by a man like broken sword allows me to face death without fear or regret 寡人能有残剑大侠这样的知己,便是死,也足矣。
My glance had fallen , but a few moments before , on the fragments of a broken sword , lying among the hay “刚才我曾在干草堆里瞥见一把折成几段的剑。那是贵族的佩剑。
Now , you might think she ' s tracking her prey and is hot on the trail by the looks of that broken sword 现在,你大概想她正在追踪她的被捕食者,根据那个断剑的外观继续执着地追踪。
Of all the would - be assassins , broken sword , flying snow and sky are the most dangerous . when nameless kilss all there , he is offered a chance to meet the king 侠客无名凭著三人加上残剑侍俾如月的微妙关系将他们逐一击破,获赏赐于十步之内晋见秦王,并道出事件的来去脉。
The king of qin ( daoming chen , beaming feral intensity ) lives in mortal terror of these extraordinary martial artists , named broken sword ( tony leung chiu wai ) , flying snow ( cheung , who co - starred with leung in kar wai wong ' s “ in the mood for love “ ) and long sky ( martial arts up - and - comer donnie yen ) 秦王(陈道明,残暴无比)生活在对这三位武功超群的刺客的致命恐惧之中,他们被称作残剑(梁朝伟) 、飞雪(张曼玉,她与梁一起主演了《花样年华》 )和长空(行情看涨的功夫片演员甄子丹) 。